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Cluster membership provides access to a range of services, which we present below.

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Guidance supports you in achieving your goals. From a “first contact” meeting to obtain more information on the possibilities offered by the Brussels region to companies, to more regular follow-up in order to challenge your business plan and guide you in your entrepreneurial journey.

Guidance offered by includes:

  • Personalized sector advice by the cluster management team: benefit from free personalized support to transform your innovative idea into a commercial solution (business model, financing strategy, subsidies, partnerships, innovation management, internationalization, awareness of regulatory requirements,…) ;
  • Access to hub expertise (legal, financial, tax, etc.);
  • Access to a specialized consultancy network.
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Networking strengthens the relationship between its members and partners by supporting and organizing events and networking opportunities.

  • Connecting members to create a community and a relationship of trust;
  • Assistance in setting up joint projects;
  • Getting in touch with potential partners or customers.
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Visibility enhances your visibility via various channels. strengthens the visibility of its members via:

  • The promotion of member companies: cluster website (catalogue of members link to the members page), monthly newsletter (access to our previous newsletters link to the newsletters page), social networks, catalog of members during national events and international, mention in the presentations of the cluster both in Belgium and internationally;
  • Promotion of members’ activities and projects: newsletter, social networks and targeted promotional actions;
  • The invitation of companies to trade fairs and seminars.
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Internationalization supports your internationalization process with a range of services. supports its members in their internationalization process through the following services:

  • Participation in international missions and fairs (stands, B2B etc.);
  • The organization of specific study trips;
  • Putting you in contact with potential partners or customers: via the network of economic and commercial advisers ;
  • International Network;
  • Access to European funding programs via the network of National Contact Points and search for technological partners via the Enterprise Europe Network;
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Knowledge sharing

Raising awareness, information, exchanges and training on various themes related to entrepreneurship, innovation, healthcare, through workshops and masterclasses.

I want to become a member

To become a member of, it is necessary to complete the online application file.