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Category: MedTech Accelerator

expert committee

Innovation in progress!

A Spotlight on the First Expert Committee Session of the MedTech Accelerator Since March, the MedTech Accelerator program has been ...

ALIFE, a springboard for healthcare in Brussels made possible by the ERDF

ALIFE is a group of health-related projects driven by lifetech, the health cluster of (the Brussels Agency for Entrepreneurship). ...
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MedTech 2023 Accelerator Closing Ceremony

A good vintage For this 8th edition, we were delighted to support the solutions of the future. It’s been a ...
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Second Expert Committee of the MedTech Accelerator

The 2023 MedTech Accelerator started on the 20th of April. Since the previous Expert Committee held on the 25th of ...
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Our acceleration program is designed to propel success stories in the health tech

But… What is acceleration? And … how do we make it for you in our program? We understand the unique ...
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First Expert committee of the MedTech Accelerator

The 2023 MedTech Accelerator started on the 20th of April. After a first month of workshops, coaching, and homework, the ...
medtech accelerator 2023 mamy

Join the MedTech Accelerator®2023

take your project to the next level! Applications are open until March 10, 2023
essai clinique loupe medicament

IDDI: vers une solution d’analyse multi-dimensionnelle des essais cliniques

La société néolouvaniste IDDI (acronyme de International Drug Development Institute) était l’un des participants au dernier programme d’accélération Medtech Accelerator organisé par
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MedTech Accelerator® récompense Gratiago et Pulso

Le 29 septembre 2022, désignait les lauréats de son accélérateur dédié aux technologies médicales. Depuis sa création en 2016, le MedTech Accelerator® porté par ...