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Category: Success stories


LILEO, the breast pump of the future, designed in Brussels

Thanks to Lileo, there’s a revolution underway for young mothers faced with the challenges of breastfeeding. Because Lileo is much ...
spentys success story

Spentys uses 3D to revolutionise orthopaedics

Designing and manufacturing custom-made orthoses perfectly suited to the individual using 3D technology –  this was the idea conceived by ...

Kaspard, a solution to detect, understand and prevent falls

Falls are a serious issue for the elderly and a major concern for the teams caring for them in nursing ...
success story axiles

Axiles Bionics designs and develops the Formula 1 of prosthetics in Brussels

Until now, ankle-foot prostheses have been uncomfortable and caused various issues for their users. However, Axiles Bionics, a dynamic start-up ...
ss lemma factory website

Lemma Factory: unlocking access to words

Communication and/or language difficulties can arise at birth, develop over time or strike suddenly following a health incident. In any ...
essai clinique loupe medicament

IDDI: vers une solution d’analyse multi-dimensionnelle des essais cliniques

La société néolouvaniste IDDI (acronyme de International Drug Development Institute) était l’un des participants au dernier programme d’accélération Medtech Accelerator organisé par
image gratiago 750

MedTech Accelerator® récompense Gratiago et Pulso

Le 29 septembre 2022, désignait les lauréats de son accélérateur dédié aux technologies médicales. Depuis sa création en 2016, le MedTech Accelerator® porté par ...