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keshi by utile games



Vieux Chemin 11a - Brussels 1180


+32 4 7527 58 30

Keshi is an innovative mobile game in augmented reality designed to provide very young children with good protective habits in nutrition and physical activity, helping to prevent the risks of overweight and obesity. Intuitive and text-free, and with international appeal, it is based on a new learning concept that we have named the “inductive game,” to clearly distinguish it from classic educational games. Its distinctive features include a “move to play” function and a daily playtime limit of 20 minutes. The business model is also innovative, relying on communication networks (institutions, corporate partners, school and medical networks), differentiating it from entertainment video games that compete for children’s leisure time.

Keshi has been developed for over two years in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team of the Junior Weight Clinic (HUDERF), Brussels.


  • Jean-Pierre SNYERS, Founder-CEO
    Basic medical training (ULg). Degree in social communication (IHECS). Post-graduate degree in management and marketing (CEPAC, Solvay Business School). Creator and manager of communication agencies. Designer and organizer of road safety campaigns for “Responsible Young Drivers”. Former teacher of motivation at Ecoles Saint Luc. Communication advisor for Belgian political parties.
  • Thérèse BOOGAERTS, Partner
    Engineer in applied mathematics. Experience in software development management, service management and helpdesk management, subcontracting, business development. Founder of (Boost your Business, France). Certified sports instructor in Lesmills RPM and Zumba kid. Experienced in the field with issues of child obesity, poor nutrition, and “social handicap.” Mum.